Tuesday, April 27, 2010

OK Universe- I'm Ready!

Today is a special day. I am leaving a full-time job that I have been in for over 4 years and today is my last day of work. I feel grateful for the stability that job offered me, the beautiful people I met, and the money I was able to save over that time. That is all so very positive and I want to leave feeling grateful. Thank you Universe!

I am doing something very brave right now-- I am taking a jump from a secure boat into the vast ocean. I have some direction where I am going (work that I am doing with Sara, writing, etc.) some leads on some freelance and part-time work, but really, I am entering the abyss. And I need to. As much as I feel grateful for what the job provided, it was also a bit of a hardship on my spirit. I know that is not the job's fault, it's just what happens with me and jobs. I am not sure if it is my conditioning or just my nature, but it is hard for me to not take my work seriously. Too seriously.

If I move into accepting this about myself and can harness this "seriousness" into MY work- coaching, teaching, performing, writing and speaking- then maybe I can actually make a go of it all. This is my dream-- to do work that is aligned with my soul. I know it will require patience, faith and persistence.

Yes Universe, I am fully ready to grope enlightenment. I am ready to live an authentic life and I pray for your guidance and support as I move forward with meaningful work. I'll take all the help I can get. THANK YOU!!


  1. Best of luck! As someone who jumped into that abyss some time ago, let me say, come on in! The water's great. Don't get down when things get tough, trust in yourself and keep moving forward. There's nothing as invigorating as living the dream.

  2. Pammy, I am so happy for you. Thanks for helping me grope my reality while you were groping yours.

  3. Pammy! This is exciting!! Love you :-)
